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Making Harmonies out of Thin Air

Nov 13, 2023

Recording vocal harmonies was always a bit tough for me especially when I was just starting out. I knew when and where harmonies would sound nice but I just wasn't able to get the right notes out. I would sing what I thought was harmony only to play back a mush of not great sounding notes. Now as time went on my ear developed more and more and now I can comfortably sing and coach harmonies. But what if this is you and you don’t want to wait for that to happen? You want to create great sounding harmonies today. Is that such a hard ask? 


No, your underdeveloped ear or lack of confidence should not be holding you back from making amazing sounding vocal harmonies. In today’s video I will show you a few techniques you can use to create and sing beautiful vocal harmonies instantly without any additional ear training or frustration.

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