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Second Guessing Yourself? Do this on your next mix Jan 29, 2024

We’ve all been there. That deep dark place…the mixing rabbit hole. Making one move and then another to compensate and then another and then another….

It’s hard I’ve been there and sometimes even still visit. But in today's video, I hope to alleviate at least some...

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Why you are getting latency Dec 27, 2023

Latency is something we all hate dealing with in the studio. It's when you sing or play a note and you hear it coming out of your headphones or speakers a few milliseconds later. When this happens it's aggravating and annoying. Today let’s talk about why you are getting latency and more...

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Understanding the Compressor Nov 22, 2023

Ever been confused with all the buttons and knobs on a compressor? A compressor is used widely in mixing and it is one the most essential tools that mixing engineers reach for. At first glance a compressor may look a little intimidating but let’s debunk that today and run through what a...

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Making Harmonies out of Thin Air Nov 13, 2023

Recording vocal harmonies was always a bit tough for me especially when I was just starting out. I knew when and where harmonies would sound nice but I just wasn't able to get the right notes out. I would sing what I thought was harmony only to play back a mush of not great sounding notes. Now...

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If there was only one piece of vocal mixing advice I can give you… Nov 06, 2023

Vocals are undoubtedly the most integral part of a mix. This is part of the reason so many people spend so much time mixing their vocals (sometimes too much time). But in this video I am going to show you the one (controversial) mixing move that I apply to most of my vocals to instantly get them...

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Add a WAH Pedal to Your Clean Guitars Oct 16, 2023

Whether you've played your electric guitars clean and now crave that wah sound, or you want to alter a clean electric guitar loop you came across on Splice or from a virtual instrument, this video is for you. Watch step-by-step as I add a realistic-sounding wah pedal to my guitar performances.

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Understanding the frequency spectrum Sep 18, 2023

The biggest blockage holding you back when it comes to eq is knowing how it really works. Today let's take a couple steps back and go over the fundamentals of eq and the frequency spectrum. Become friends with the different frequency ranges and be able to recognize em instantly. Stop boosting...

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Dynamic Microphones and Condenser Microphones | Differences explained Sep 11, 2023

Ever noticed that the mics in studios look vastly different from those on stage? Wondered why? Well, they're not just different in looks, but also in functionality! Studios typically lean towards condenser microphones while live performances favor dynamic mics. Tune into this video to...

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Recording yourself by yourself (Pro Tools Edition) Sep 06, 2023

Running a home studio means juggling many roles at once! In today's video, I dive into the challenges of being both the recording engineer AND the artist. If you're recording yourself and seeking the best way to streamline the process (especially in Pro Tools), this is a MUST-WATCH. Learn how...

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Should you upgrade your studio setup? Aug 28, 2023

While I’m a firm believer that technique and know-how are the keys to making great sounding music, upgrading your gear has its place too!

In this video, I’ll address two important questions: When should you upgrade, and what should you upgrade?

Here's what you can expect in this...

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Sibilance - what it is and how to fix it Aug 21, 2023

Ah, the S sound... It can be quite a challenge when it comes to recording and mixing vocals. You've probably experienced it before – that moment when a big, harsh S sound unexpectedly jumps out, disrupting your otherwise beautiful recording. This pesky issue is called sibilance.


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Export Settings and File Formats Demystified Aug 14, 2023

It's important to know how to properly bounce down or export your song once you're finished. It may sound like a straightforward process, but there are some crucial things to be aware of.

File formats can also be confusing when exporting your song. Which format do you use for what application?

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